5 Bad Skincare Habits You Should Stop Today

As humans we are creatures of habit. A lot of times, our habits may feel good or is convenient at the moment but normally it will hinder us in the long run especially when it comes to our skin. Below is a short read on some bad skincare habits that you should stop immediately!!!

Bad Habit #1: Sleeping in your makeup- This can clog the pores, cause breakouts and is just lazy practice. I know we are busy people at times, but all this will do is make your skin worse in the long run. Take the extra few minutes to wash your skin throughly at night. Your skin will love you for it.

Bad Habit #2: Not Drinking enough water- We know keeping our skin hydrated and properly moisturized is key. But we sometimes forget that we need to keep our whole body hydrated too. Not drinking enough water can make skin look drier, flakier, wrinklier and just not as fresh, dewy and youthful as we like.

Bad Habit #3: Not getting enough sleep- Sleeping Beauty is a real thing!!! Ideally our skin needs about 7-9 hours of rest. Benefits of beauty sleep are: produces new collagen, boost blood flow to the skin for glowing complexion the next day and just help us achieve an overall happier, healthier look.

Bad Habit #4 Smoking & Drinking- This one is one of the hardest for me because I love a good red wine and cigar. Smoking leads to bad skin, bad complexion, uneven skin, wrinkled lines. Its one of the things that will quickly destroy our skin.

Bad Habit #5- Over exfoliating our skin- Nowadays with social media beauty hacks….everyone is into exfoliating their skin. But there is a such thing as OVER-EXFOLIATING your skin. Less is always more in this case. Which is why your Esty tells you to do this step every other day, every few days or 3x a week. It can possibly cause your skin to over produce oil and cause breakouts.

There are so many bad habits to include the foods we eat, not cleaning your phone often, not properly washing your makeup brushes or even not washing your pillow cases. All these can attribute to problematic skin, breakouts and triggers you or your skin do not want to deal with.

Want to learn more about skin or how you can properly care for yours? Feel free to contact us for a virtual facial consultation or book us online.