What is Lip Blush?

Lip Blushing is one of the newest semi-permanent phenomenon!!! I absolutely love this service and what it can do for the lips.

So what is Lip Blushing? It is a semi-permanent tattoo that enhances the color and shape of your lips and gives the impression of more fullness. The procedure itself is depositing a custom color into your lips and along your lip line to improve the overall look. The fading results will give a subtle look.

How long does this service last?

Lip Blushing can last up to three years with proper aftercare maintenance.

How many sessions will I need to book for?

Everyone is different. The standard is about 2-3 sessions(and more if doing lip neutralization).

Does this service hurt?

Everyone’s pain tolerance is different however, the pain level has been described as minimal. A topical anesthetic is typically applied for about 20 minutes to numb your lips. Then, the beauty specialist starts the service with the tattoo machine.

What to expect during this service?

Your beauty specialist will perform a thorough consultation prior to starting the service to make sure there are no allergies or contraindications. She will also go over your desired look and color shade that fits you. You can enhance your cupid’s bow or make your lips look more symmetrical. A lot of times, ink will be deposited into the sides of lips, as those areas tend to lose their natural color as you age. Your beauty specialist will walk through what they plan to do and you can make any changes or adjustments before they begin.

Is this service the same as lip neutralization?

Similar yes but not quite the same. Lip neutralization is for someone with darker lips, they will have to do more sessions to get their desired color.

This service has been added to our menu of services and will help our clients with their beauty regimen in making it “simpler, faster and better!”

Booking will begin mid October 2022. If you are interested in more information, contact us at 904-414-4848.

**Image is stock image and may not be a true depiction of every client’s lips. Each client’s lip choice is depending not their lip hue and will be discussed during actual appointment or consultation.